This form of replication is also known as the active/passive or master-slave replication. Consider a group of nodes that host a replica of a database. Out of all the nodes, one of the nodes acts as the leader of the group and the rest are designated as the followers.
1. Client initiates a write request with the leader
2. Leader propogates the write to other replicas in the system.
3. Leader propogates the write to other replicas in the system.
The astute reader will immediately realize that the above scheme is exposed to a number of issues that can arise when followers try to replicate the changes occurring on the leader node. For instance, what if a follower falls behind the leader by a few minutes and receives a read request from a client that asks for data that is present on the leader but not yet on the follower? There are several intricacies and nuances that go with the subject of data replication and we’ll discuss them next.